Meet The Team
Dr. Jaycee George D.C.
Welcome to Walden Chiropractic & Massage located at 19605 Walden Blvd SE #1101 Calgary, AB. We understand that choosing a chiropractor is a big decision. Please don't hesitate to contact our Calgary AB chiropractor with any further questions you have. We are here to help you achieve your goals.
Real People. Real Results.
You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. If you cannot make a change, change the way you have been thinking. You might find a new solution.
Maya A.
While other professions are concerned with changing the environment to suit the weakened body, chiropractic is concerned with strengthening the body to suit the environment.
B.J. P.
Do you suffer from any of these pain symptoms?

Swelling Or Stiffness?
Redness Or Warmth To The Touch?
Weakness Or Instability?
Popping Or Crunching Noises?
Inability To Fully Straighten The Knee?
Can't Bear Weight On The Knee?